When can you meet us?
- November 11, 2022 at 17:00 (CET) via registration at Leiden University
- December 7, 2022 at 14:00 (CET) via ZOOM link
- January 23, 2023 at 14:00 (CET) via ZOOM link
All Open Days are online to let everyone join!
What can you expect?
- presentation by the EPS team
- sharing experience by EPS students and alumni
- Q&A section
Past Open Days
1:20-4:17 Introduction of the EPS Programme
12:30-14:40 + 33:25-45:54 Student´s perspective on the programme
14:40-20:00 + 23:45-32:45 Admission procedure
20:06-23:40 Student initiatives
46:00-48:055 + 1:00-1:02 Tips for CV and motivation letter
0:00-5:08 Introduction of the EPS Programme
5:09-9:42 Extracurricular activities
9:43-13:48 Admission and scholarships
13:49-16:18 Documents required for the application
18:15-21:10 Student housing