EPS structure
The EPS Programme is a two-year Master’s Programme divided into four semesters. All students spend their first semester in Prague. Before the beginning of the first semester, students take part in our Academic Writing Course as a prerequisite for all classes in the winter term.
First Year
During the first semester, they enrol only in compulsory courses. This semester serves as an Introduction to the Master Programme. It is based mainly on methodology and key academic disciplines relevant to the study of the European political, social, cultural and economic space. At the end of the first semester, students choose the topic of their Master’s thesis with the assistance of academic coordinators from Charles University; they write the first version of their Master’s thesis project.
During the first semester (in November), students travel to Brussels, for the Brussels Field Trip to meet experts from EU institutions, think tanks and other relevant organizations located in Brussels who discuss their JMD topics with them. This offers students the chance to get in contact with stakeholders in the core of EU decision making, to better understand the day-to-day operations of the “EU capital”, and to start thinking about the internship for the 2nd-year.
For the second semester, the students have two options: Leiden or Krakow. This semester is also based on compulsory courses that cover different areas of EU studies. In addition, students can build their own structure for the semester in accordance with the offer of facultative courses.
Second year
For the second year of the EPS Programme, students may choose among all the universities that constitute the EPS consortium: Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland), Leiden University (Netherlands) and Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (Spain) but the partner university of the 2nd semester and the 2nd year has to be different. The choice of preferences of the EPS study path must already be specified in the application before they enter the programme.
In January of the 2nd-year of study, all students participate in a three-day Barcelona Research Seminar where students present their MA thesis projects and get feedback from all students and academic experts. All students also participate in intensive training in research methods.
During the two final semesters, students have a variety of choices of facultative courses that reflect the added value of each member of the consortium – areas of academic expertise where these universities are excellent in terms of course offerings and research. These fields are the following: Transformation and Development in Contemporary Europe (Prague), Policymaking in the EU (Barcelona), Central and Eastern Europe and International Relations (Krakow) and Europe in the International Environment (Leiden).
Master thesis
Students devote their final semester to the Master thesis. This is why, at Charles University and Jagiellonian University in Kraków, they attend MA thesis seminars both semesters and work closely both with the MA thesis seminar teacher and their academic supervisor, at Leiden University students are in intense contact with supervisors, and at Pompeu Fabra University, they attend methodology seminars where theses are consulted and discussed before getting in intense cooperation with supervisors.
In April, selected second-year students participate in the Oxford Spring School. Thanks to the partnership with Europaeum, one of the main EPS Associate Partners, the students are invited to take part in this unique academic event and academic experience. Find more information in the EPS MA thesis handbook.
To complete the European Politics and Society Joint Master Programme, students must acquire a total of 120 ECTS and defend their Master Thesis. The structure of the ECTS throughout the study path is the following: 30 ECTS for the first semester, 30 ECTS for the second semester, 60 ECTS for the second year. In case the number of ECTS of the semester/the year is above this 30-30-60 rule, these classes will be registered in the transcript but the ECTS are counted extra to the minimal threshold of 120 ECTS for the study period.
If you want to learn more about the compulsory and facultative courses, download this file with a detailed overview. You can also consult the EPS Handbook containing all the useful information about the EPS Programme for the first-year and second-year students.
If you want to learn more about the evaluation grids, minimal results required to pass and final evaluation, consult this file with more information.
Students are subject to the regulations, policies and procedures of the Partner University of their stay, including those related to attendance, student discipline, complaints and appeals against the decision of the examiners, and the academic regulations of each Partner University. Here are the local regulations: Prague, Barcelona, Leiden and Krakow.
Find here the example of the EPS diploma and EPS joint diploma supplement.
Last updated 03. 01. 2024.