

The admission window for the 2025-2027 self-funding applicants will be opened on March 1, 2025. All applications received by February 29, 2025, are automatically considered as scholarship applications.

The Tuition Fee for students from EU/EEA countries is 2 250 EUR per semester and for students from non-EU/non-EEA countries is 4 500 EUR per semester.

Do you already have everything ready?

Funding possibilities for self-payers

EPS Excellence Award: Self-paying students may apply for the EPS Excellence Award attributed by the EPS Consortium to 1-2 students each academic year. The final EPS Management Board decision is based on the recommendation of the EA Selection Committee consisting of representatives of all EPS partner universities.

Students who get the EA, receive a tuition fee reduction for their second year of study.

The application must include:

  • transcript of records from the first year
  • motivation letter (students explain their academic achievements and progress in their first EPS year of study, the letter may include their contribution to the EPS community life)

The Erasmus+ study exchange: study exchanges are organised on the basis of a series of bilateral agreements with specific partner universities. The selection panel for the Erasmus+ study exchange is held once a year in February/early March for exchanges in the following academic year. Details are usually posted on the International Office’s website in January/February or in the decree of the IMS director on the organization of the selection procedure within the program Erasmus + on IMS for the academic year in question (please follow the IMS website). Successful applicants receive a scholarship from the Erasmus+ programme to help fund their living costs abroad.

Please note that the exact amount of the scholarship will depend on the destination and it can happen that not all the applicants will receive the funding!

Who is eligible?

  • You can apply for the Erasmus+ funding only if you spend your 2nd year in the state that you are not a citizen of or you have not a permanent residence in.
  • In case you are going to spend the 2nd year in Prague, you cannot apply for the Erasmus+ funding at Charles University because the Charles University is the home university of the EPS programme and the Erasmus+ funding is designed only for mobility out of the Charles University.

EPS self-payer students are allowed to apply for Erasmus+ study exchange funding only for their third semester of study in partner universities, i.e. not for both semesters. Students have to apply during their 1st academic year of the study (deadline for the application is generally the last day of February – more information can be found here).

External funding possibilities: Students are encouraged to seek a scholarship from research and other institutions to cover study costs. You can consult following links:

Last updated 19.12.2024.