Frequenty asked questions
EPS applicants
- When will the next chance for participating in the programme be?
The admission window for the following academic year is always opened on November 1. Since this date, you can apply for the EPS programme. Please note there are two regular deadlines during the admission procedure. The first deadline is February 29 – in case you apply by this date, you automatically apply for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship. The second deadline, April 30, is only for self-payers.
- Is there an age limit for applicants?
No, the admission to the EPS programme is not restricted by any age limit.
- Is the degree entirely taught in English? Will I have to take classes in a local or another degree-required language?
EPS programme is integrally conducted and assessed in English. However, throughout the studies, you can take up language courses offered by EPS partner universities (one language course is an obligatory part of the EPS curriculum in the 2nd semester of the 1st year of study).
- Will I be helped with visa issues?
We are ready to help should any problem arise. Information about residence permits and visas is available here.
EPS students
- Which are the approximate start and end dates of the degree?
The academic year at Charles University starts on the first Monday in October (unless the first Monday is 30 September) to the second Friday in January. Nonetheless, please note that the official enrolment to the EPS programme takes place during the second half of September where you are asked to be presented. In case of anxieties about your participation in the enrolment, please contact the EPS coordinator at Charles University ( The first examination period at Charles University follows which takes place from the third Monday in January to the third Friday in February follows. This schedule is the same for all EPS students during the first semester of the study. Consequently, since the academic year is organized differently on each partner university, please check their websites individually – Charles University, Jagiellonian University, Leiden University, Pompeu Fabra University.
The defence of the MA thesis takes place from July to September of your 2nd year depending on the partner university. You will receive the joint EPS diploma during the autumn after finishing your studies.
- Where should I open the bank account?
If you are a scholarship holder, you will be asked to open a EUR account in a Czech bank. We also highly recommend doing the same to self-payers, especially if you intend to apply for Erasmus+ funding (for one semester of your 2nd year), where a Czech bank account in EUR is one of the pre-conditions to receive the funding. Even though there are many possibilities where you can open a Czech account, there are some tips.
- If you intend to come back to Prague for your second year, we would recommend opening G2 Student Account in Komerční banka (KB). They offer special offers for students – 700 CZK as a bonus if you provide them with your ISIC and open it until 31st of October, the account maintenance is for free, all cash withdrawals are for free in KB ATMs. The account is in CZK but you can very easily open a second account in EUR for free, as well.
- Raiffeisenbank provides interesting offers for students, e.g. eKonto Student Premium which includes an unlimited number of cash withdrawals from all ATMs in the Czech Republic and abroad free of charge. You can open the account in EUROs as well.
- Equabank possibilities are also worth noting to be checked. You to open the account in CZK first, though.
You can open foreign currency accounts in several Czech banks (they usually asked for a monthly fee about 20 CZK (less than 1 EUR)), e.g. Česká spořitelna, Komerční banka or ČSOB.
- Will we be offered social activities beyond the EPS curriculum?
EPS programme offers various extra-curricular activities, especially during the first semester at Charles University. The PRAREAS – platform for student affairs of international and English-speaking programmes at the Institute of International Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) – will organize many social events such as city-trips, guest lectures on specific topics within EU studies, and social events. During these activities, you will have an opportunity not only to strengthen links within the EPS community but also to meet your fellow colleagues from other English-speaking programmes at the university. The majority of extra-curricular activities are organized in cooperation with EPS associated partners.
We are also happy to share with you several activities organized by the EPS network of associated partners you can be interested in:
- Major conferences organised by Forum 2000 Foundation, accessible without doing an internship with them, i.e. Forum 2000 annual Conference, Prague Media Point (fee-based, but students can volunteer);
- Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks, by EUROPEUM;
- Periodically organised public debates, i.e. Café Evropa, by EUROPEUM;
- Cyber Security Academy, by Prague Security Studies Institute;
- Various conferences organised with regularity by the Institute for International Relations.
- Are extra-curricular activities paid by the EPS Consortium?
Apart from the Oxford Spring School, all costs related to extra-curricular activities are supposed to be covered by students – scholarship holders receive a contribution to travel and installation costs for these purposes at the beginning of their study. The only exception is the Oxford Spring School which is partially covered by the EPS Consortium.
- Where do I find more information about EPS partner universities individually?
Once you start your studies, you will be shortly contacted by your university of 2nd semester via e-mail (and during the 2nd semester by your university of the 2nd year) by local coordinators who will provide you with the handbook related to the EPS issues at specific university. Moreover, do not hesitate to check the websites of all EPS universities. We also encourage EPS students to consult the extensive EPS handbook you will be/have been provided at the beginning of your EPS studies.
Last updated 28. 2. 2024.