Newsletter February 2023

EPS Newsletter – February


#1: Book launch of One hundred Czech(Czechoslovak)-Albanian Relations

The Institute of International Studies (IMS) (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University) with European Politics and Society (EPS), the Albanian Embassy in Prague, and Vaclav Havel Library, invite you to the book launch of “Sto let česko(slovensko)-albánskych vztahů: Vzájemné sympatie a rostoucí interakce” (Karolinum, 2022) on February 16, 2022 at 19:00 at Vaclav Havel Library (Ostrovni 13, Prague 1).

#2: EU Seminar on Migration policy of the European Union: what lies ahead?

Do not hesitate to join us on February 10 at 15:30 for the EU seminar on Migration policy of the European Union: what lies ahead? with Ms. Tineke Strik, Member of the European Parliament for GroenLinks, of the Greens/EFA political group. The online event is organized by Dr Vera Stepanovic and it is a part of the series of EU seminars by Leiden University.

Registration is required through this link.

#3: Democratized and Declassified: How outsiders challenge intelligence agencies on analysis of the Russo-Ukrainian war

Please join us for a conversation with Professor David Gioe in the context of Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine and the role of intelligence in that war. The lecture takes place offline at Leiden University on February 8, 2023, at 15:15 room 2.12. See the details here.

MA EPS students not studying in Leiden but wanting to attend should contact Dr Maxine David (


#2: Tandem Languages at Charles University

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers the Tandem Languages course (JLB116) designed for students who would like to practice a foreign language with their peers. Students of two different languages work with a partner and help each other achieve a specific language goal. Students teaching the target language must be native speakers of that language. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee that each student will be matched with a suitable partner. For more information, study the information in SIS carefully (more information at In order to register as a possible tandem partner, please use the registration form.


Summer semester begins!

Classes at Leiden University start on February 6, at Charles University on February 13, at Jagiellonian University on February 25. The semester at UPF has already started.



It was a real pleasure to see all 2nd-year students and academics from all four partner universities in one place again! Hope you enjoyed lectures, workshops, and feedback sessions just as we did!

READING TIP: The Lights of Prague (author: Nicole Jarvis)

Have you just left Prague? Do you already miss the city? Do you like fantasy literature? Then “The Lights of Prague” is the right book for you! The magic world in the gaslight era of Prague is waiting for you…


I am a 2nd-year student. Can I change the MA thesis topic after January 31 (in case of CU, JU, and LU) and after February 28 (for UPF)?

In mid-April, second readers will be assigned on the basis of this finalized title, if you change your title between February and April (in extreme circumstances only and in conversation with the supervisor and local coordinator), you must inform us immediately.

Do you have any hints, ideas, or tips for interesting events, calls, books, films, podcasts, etc.? Do not hesitate to reach us at Your feedback and contribution are highly appreciated.


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