Oxford Spring School 2021

  • 22. 4. 2021 - 09:00
  • Oxford (online)

The Oxford Spring School 2021: Europe in the World – The World in Europe, organized by the EPS associated partner – the Europaeum, starts on April 22. Three packed days of lectures, keynote speeches, student presentations and group discussions are prepared.  EPS students selected via a call for papers present their MA research and discuss papers of their fellow colleagues. All EPS students are invited to participate in two keynote lectures via the ZOOM link in their e-mail boxes:

April 22, 16:30 Key Lecture/Debate: The Global State of Democracy

Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora (Secretary-General, International IDEA)

April 23, 16:30 Keynote Lecture/ Debate: Learning From the End of Empires

Professor Archie Brown (University of Oxford) and Professor Robert Gildea (University of Oxford)

The full programme of the Oxford Spring School available for EPS students who participate actively can be found below.

22 April
09:30 Welcome
Dr Marcin Walecki (Director, The Europaeum)
Dr Eliška Tomalová (European Politics and Society Consortium Director)

10:00 Opening Lecture
Lord Chris Patten (Chancellor of the University of Oxford)
Guest Lecture
Janez Lenarčič (European Commissioner for Crisis Management)
Chair: Dr Hartmut Mayer (Director, European Studies Centre, University of Oxford)

11:15 Panel 1 Theme: The Current State of Europe
Keith Prushankin, Questioning neoliberal democracy: Fundamental tensions in Václav Klaus’ Discourse of Ideals in the Czech Market Transition
Discussant: Volodymyr Posviatenko and Eva Dohnalová
Zoltan Tajti, Hungarian foreign and domestic politics in a historical and strategic context
Discussant: Wouter Baas and Zaza Jung
Cláudia Coelho, The public reason of the Union of Law and social democracy
Discussant: Yasmeen Dridi
Chair: Professor Javier Arregui (UPF Barcelona)

13:45 Panel 2 Theme: Europe in the World
Alessandro Marinaro, Europe in the World – the World in Europe: The view from international Law
Discussant: Nicolas Schuierer
Jawaria Khan, European academic brain drain: A meta-synthesis
Discussants: Tatev Derzyan and Marti Monso Solans
Kristina Gera, The European Union’s Self-Representation abroad through the delegations of the European External Action Service
Discussant: Kristin Aldag
Achim Alan de Merlo, To What Extend Has a Link Between Europe and Africa Been included in a “European identity” Within the Official Documentation Since 1973?
Discussant: Saoirse McGilligan
Chair: Dr Tomáš Weiss (Charles University)

15:30 Group Discussions

16:30 Key Lecture/Debate The Global State of Democracy
Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora (Secretary-General, International IDEA)
Discussant: Kan Sun Cheung
Chair: Dr Marcin Walecki (Director, The Europaeum)

23 April
09:30 Panel 3 Theme: Europe: Past and Present
Marketa Cejková, Inspiration across borders and time
Discussant: Caecilia Moerdijke
Ediz Hazir, Resilience and religious belonging of multicultural and multinational encounters in the “Infidel Izmir”
Discussant: Thijs de Dood
Nuri Kurnaz, European involvement in secular Middle Eastern governments and how their dependence on Europe affected Muslim collective memories
Discussant: Tomasz O’Donoghue
Maria Morales, The world that oil made: Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Petrolio and the global oil novel
Discussant: Martha Swift
Chair: Dr Tracey Sowerby (Programme Director, The Europaeum)

11:30 Panel 4 Theme: The World in Europe
Marwa Mamdouh-Salem, Authoritarian resilience in post-revolutionary Egypt & Hungary: Challenges of comparison
Discussant: Luca Iavarone
Laura Andrés Serpi, EU-East Asian relations in the security sphere: Relevance and prospects
Discussants: Friso Stevens and Margarida Luis
Thareerat Laohabut, An insolubly normative dilemma? Reassessing the EU normative power in Myanmar between 2012 and 2017
Discussant: Tom Baker
Dao Nguyen, Geopolitics of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its impacts on the European Union
Discussant: Chiara Azzarelli
Chair: Dr Marcin Zubek (Jagiellonian University)

14:00 Plenary Debate: Building Bridges between Technology and the Future of Global Affairs
Artur Kluz (Chairman of the Centre for Technology and Global Affairs at the University of Oxford)
Alexandru Circiumaru, The EU’s Digital Sovereignty – The role of Artificial Intelligence and Competition Policy
Discussants: Veronika Datzer, Sébastian Fassiaux, and Lisa Urban
Chair: Dr Marcin Walecki (Director, The Europaeum)

15:30 Group Discussions

16:30 Keynote Lectures/ Debate: Learning From the End of Empires
Professor Archie Brown (University of Oxford)
Professor Robert Gildea (University of Oxford)
Chair: Dr Tracey Sowerby (Programme Director, The Europaeum)

24 April
9:30 Panel 5 Theme: Attitudes within and towards Europe
Zoe Thomson, The effects of affective polarisation on social distrust in Spain Discussant: Hark Möller
Marina Harapin, Discourses in Europe’s surroundings: Public attitudes, domestic elites and EU narratives in the EU’s neighbourhood Discussants: Nikolozi Khachidze and Đorđe Dimitrov
Ekaterina Khryakova, Disinformation: A symptom or the reason for the democratic decline in the West? Discussant: Rosa Genovese
Alessandra Zanetti, Thatcher’s European attitude: Eurosceptic or euro-disappointed? Discussant: Ruben Sansom
Chair: Dr Maxine David (Leiden University)

11:30 Working Group Reports & Presentations

13:45 Conclusions and Closing Remarks
Dr Joost Augusteijn (Leiden University)
Dr Marcin Walecki (Director, The Europaeum)

Last updated 16. 4. 2021.


  • Start Date:22. 4. 2021
  • Start Time:09:00
  • End Date:24. 4. 2021
  • End Time:16:00
  • Location:Oxford (online)