International Summer School in Chile

  • 17. 7. 2023

To our students, do not miss the opportunity to join the International Summer School programme offered by Diego Portales University in Santiago, Chile. Our EPS universities Leiden and Pompeu Fabra have active agreements with UDP.

You can enrol for international summer/winter schools such as:

“Discover Chile through Its Poetry and Literature while learning Spanish” This program tends to help you improve your Spanish skills, Chile’s poetry, but in addition to the language classes it offers you site-visits to apply your knowledge right away in the city of Santiago. The course is happening from the 17-28th of July 2023.

Astronomy and Solar Energy in Chile” . In this course, besides exploring solar energy used in Chile to power it’s transition towards sustainable energy, you can experience a field trip to the Northern part of Chile. The program will take place from the 17th of July to the 5th of August 2023.

“Doing Business in Latin America”. This multidisciplinary course is structured into seminars abon doing business, together with hands-on visits to local institutions, enterprises and intercultural team work and social activities. The program starts on July 24 and ends on August 5, 2023. 

If you are interested, see more information by clicking on each programme or simply using this link and for more contact


  • Start Date:17. 7. 2023
  • End Date:5. 8. 2023