To our EPS students located in Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, we would like to invite you to the session held by Professor Tomáš Weiss on Central Europe in the EU: from poster children to pariahs and back? The lecture will take place at room 20.287 Thursday 2 March at 10:30.
The lecture will adress the Europeanisation and de-Europeanisation of Central European countries over the past three decades. It will focus on the Visegrád Group, discuss their differences and similarities, and ask to what extent there is a cohesive Central European block within EU policymaking. Professor Weiss as Associate Professor at Charles University Prague who published several publications on Europeanization and de-Europeanization will also be available in the office 20.114 for you to discuss topics related to your research! If you intend to meet him, please send him a brief concept in advance via email. Note the contact hours are: Tuesday 28 February 14:30 – 16:00 or Thursday 2 March: 8:30 – 10:15!
- Start Date:2. 3. 2023
- Start Time:10:30
- End Date:2. 3. 2023
- End Time:12:30