Let´s introduce the first trip of the academic year 2021/2021 – to Pilsen!
In Pilsen, we will show you around the city centre and explore the main local sights together. Later, you will have some free time to further enjoy the city on your own. We will also book enough seats at one of the most known restaurants in Pilsen.
The trip will take place on 28 October and will include a guided tour. Given the 28th of October is a Czech public holiday, there are no classes and thus, no need to worry about missing any.
Here are our TOP 5 things to do on a day trip to Pilsen:
1. Visit the tallest church tower in CR – St. Bartholomew’s church.
2. Explore the famous Pilsen Brewery Museum.
3. Pay a visit to Great Synagogue.
4. Discover the Pilsen Zoo.
5. “Get lost” in the narrow and cosy historical sidestreets.
For more, check this video of the Honest Guide.
- Start Date:28. 10. 2021
- Start Time:09:00
- End Date:28. 10. 2021
- End Time:18:00