A one-day online research seminar will gather first-year students and academics from all partner universities in order to provide extensive feedback on students ́ MA research proposals on Wednesday, May 31. Although the period is highly demanding for students, the aim of the event is to make the MA research proposal as robust as possible and to make a good start on the thesis production in the 2nd-year.
The online feedback event will be held in groups with two academics and a number of students with 30-minute sessions per student.
Students will submit a pre-recorded video presentation of (min.) 6 to (max.) 8 minutes by May 24 at 10 AM to a shared folder whose link will send to you via email in upcoming weeks.
The pre-recorded video presentation will cover:
- literature to which the thesis contributes;
- research gap/problem;
- research question;
- research feasibility.
A student might articulate in the pre-recorded video presentation any component of the research they are struggling with, thus indicating they would welcome an in-depth discussion
of that particular aspect or aspects.
If a student does not submit the video presentation by the set deadline, s/he is expected to participate in the feedback group in discussion of other research projects but s/he has forfeited
a chance to present her/his MA thesis research. This measure is to encourage students to think about their research in a timely fashion; and to ensure academic staff have sufficient time to
organise the composition of the groups, online links, etc.
Students will receive additional methodological materials to be consulted on a voluntary basis for the research development.
Please note that starting and ending hour of the event is preliminary and will be confirmed in upcoming weeks/months.
- Start Date:31. 5. 2023
- Start Time:09:00
- End Date:31. 5. 2023
- End Time:17:00
- Location:ONLINE via ZOOM