COVID: Stay safe, stay connected

Study at Charles University

All EPS lectures and seminars of full-time study programmes are scheduled in the full-time contact form. The yellow stage of semaphore given by the Institute of International Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences, CU) applies from October 27, 2021, until further notice. The yellow stage applies:

  • Teaching is done in a hybrid way.
  • State Final Exams are conducted by default under stricter hygiene conditions.
  • Other exams are held only online based on the Decree of IMS Director 08/2021.
  • Obligation to maintain a two-meter distance in common areas.
  • Wearing respirators in all IMS and FSV common areas.
  • Public events organised by IMS (debates, conferences) are significantly reduced or cancelled.
  • Students (excluding PhD students) do not have access to Pekařská 10. Additional safety measures in Pekařská 10 are specified in special guidelines.
  • Recommendations to hold consultations online.

We ask students to be responsible and considerate of others and we strongly recommend the use of protective respiratory equipment covering the nose and mouth and compliant at least with the FFP2 standard. In addition, we strongly recommend getting vaccinated. Find possibilities of getting the vaccine in the Czech Republic below. In case you are not vaccinated, we recommend getting tested in order to come to university buildings that they have taken an RT-PCR test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with a negative result, no later than 7 days ago before the class, or that they have taken a rapid antigen test (RAT) for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus, with a negative result, no later than 72 hours ago before the class.

What if I feel signs of an infectious disease? What if my result of the COVID test is positive? See answers to those and other questions here.

Find details about the IMS semaphore and updated COVID-19 measures at the website of the Institute of International Studies and updated COVID-19 information related to studies at the website of the Faculty of Social Sciences (CU).

Study at Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Find updated COVID-19 information at the website of Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

Study at Leiden University

Since September 20, 2021, maximum group size no longer applies in our teaching rooms, face masks are no longer compulsory and 1.5m distancing is no longer necessary in our buildings. However, the remaining rules for working and studying at the university can be found in the Campus Protocol.

Find updated COVID-19 information at the website of Leiden University.

Study at Pompeu Fabra University

The academic year began on September 28, 2021, and is organized around a hybrid teaching model. The model is a hybrid because it combines face-to-face classes in small groups and in large venues with online classes and interaction between students and teachers. Classes involving physical presence were reduced insofar as possible and conditioned by the needs of the students, the nature of the subjects, and the availability of premises. The subjects were therefore either face-to-face (with reduced numbers on different degrees) or online (with no face-to-face classes required but involving interaction and not exclusively with synchronous activities).

Find all COVID-19 information related to studies at the website of Pompeu Fabra University.

Get vaccinated!

You might get vaccinated in all EPS partner countries! Please check the websites of your university (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Leiden University, Pompeu Fabra University) for further information. Since most of EPS students are at Charles University, find detailed information for the Czech Republic below.

Foreign students might also get fully vaccinated in the Czech Republic. The registration for the vaccination is needed through this link.  Information related to vaccination are available here – the price per dose should not exceed 810 CZK.

We highly recommend getting vaccinated once it will make your life easier and safer. Otherwise, you need to get tested on a regular basis (result must not be older than 72 hours for the antigen tests and not older than 7 days for the PCR tests) for all social events, going to restaurants, sports centres etc. The maximum price for self-payers of PCR test is 814 CZK and of antigen one 201 CZK (see details here).

The majority of health insurance companies do not cover testing and vaccination costs but the EPS Consortium will pay for the vaccination of the EPS students in the Czech Republic and for one PCR test (taken in the Czech territory) needed for entry to the Czech territory. Therefore, send the invoice/receipt of your PCR test to the EPS email address ( no later than 2 weeks after the test is taken.

Arrival in the Czech Republic

All incoming students/trainees are subject to the regulations and rules – colour codes – given by the Ministry of Health when entering the Czech Republic. You can find the updated colour code list of countries and useful links here

  • Fully-vaccinated holders of the European Vaccination Certificate or holders of recognised vaccination certificates from third countries can come from any country without a test and without self-isolation.
  • If you are vaccinated in the EU, it is necessary to have an EU digital COVID certificate.
  • If you are vaccinated outside of the EU, it is necessary to have written confirmation in accordance with the EU regulations; only vaccinations authorized by EMA (4 main vaccinations + Covishield) and administered in one of these countries are accepted.
    So if you belong into one of above-mentioned categories, you do not have to be tested unless there is a reason (symptoms of illness, contact with an infected person, etc.).
  • If you are not vaccinated and you come from a country with low or medium risk, you are supposed to have an antigen/PCR test before or after arrival within 5 days after the entry to the Czech Republic. Coming from a country with a high and very high risk, you are supposed to have a negative PCR test before arrival to the Czech territory and to undergo the PCR test on the 5th day at the earliest after the arrival and to stay in the self-isolation until you receive the negative result of the 2nd PCR test. These rules are nicely summarized here. The list of countries and their level of risk is reassessed every week – available on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Measures in the Czech Republic

All current measures applied in the Czech Republic are available on the COVID Portal. In short, if you do not have the EU digital COVID certificate or a recognized certificate issued by certain countries (see more here), you need to get tested on a regular basis (result must not be older than 72 hours for the antigen tests and not older than 7 days for the PCR tests) in order to go to social events, restaurants, sports centres etc.

Last updated 16. 11. 2021.